tip toe threads

because most of it happens when the chillens are sleepin



Monday, March 3, 2008

Lame-OOO! My soap box!

On soap box: When you live in a small town and Wal-Mart is your only option as far as craft stores go...and they decided to get rid of embroidery floss, and eventually all "stitchery" items, including cheap fabric---I call that lame-OOO! Closest floss is a 15 minute drive. As for fabric, we do have a fabric shop down town. But, to be perfectly honest, the fabric is ugly. The shop owner, who has always been very nice to me, just doesn't understand that there is a market for fabrics that are cute and modern. Maybe I should introduce her to Michael Miller! Off soap box.


  1. I am hearing this same complaint about Wal-Mart closing out it's fabric dept from all my blogging friends or so it seems..I am beginning to wonder if all of my blogging friends live within 10 miles of each other.

    Yes, I also send my condolensces about the lack of fabric and craftiness...I think we should start a business.

  2. oh man, wherehave i been! you have done like three posts that i haven;t seen yet! woohoo!!

  3. There aren't ANY fabric stores around here either...tomorrow I'm driving about 45 mins to check out a fabric store. When I go to Utah I'm in heaven....only 2 more months till I can go crazy with fabric.
