tip toe threads

because most of it happens when the chillens are sleepin



Thursday, May 29, 2008

Feelin' Lucky

I guess you all should feel lucky that my laptop is fried. I have a pretty gruesome picture on it that I was planning on posting.

We have a cute little bird's nest perched atop our drain pipe on the second story of our house. We have heard little babies chirping. Then, the other day, we looked up and saw (little readers, please close your eyes and ears) an adult bird hanging a couple inches off the nest. After a couple double takes, eye squints, and neighbors agreeing, we indeed confirmed that the bird had got caught in some landscape fencing that had been part of his nest. We were worried that the babies would die, but saw another bird, hopefully the mother, in the nest last night. We need to call animal control and have them come take care of the dead bird so as not to disturb the intact nest.

Another set of pictures that I could have post are ones I chose not to take, for fear of my life and disgust. Over the weekend, we went into Lexington for a birthday party and chose afterward, to get lunch and head to Triangle Park just across the street from Rupp Arena. After we ate, I sat down on a bench to feed Ellie, and Paul and Dallin went toward the fountain. Along come two men. The type that make your wonder whether they are homeless, or just really unkempt (I'm not being rude, I am just being honest). They sit down on the bench next to me and the one closest to me pulls out a rather large pocket knife and starts sharpening its 5 inch blade. Meanwhile, I am trying to clean up sweet potatoes and running through my head how I can leave, QUICK, without appearing rude. Mr. Sharpen-my-knife-in-public has since finished sharpening the deadly blade and returned it safely into his bag when what should he do next? Out comes an even bigger pocket knife with an even bigger blade! That one must be dull as well because he starts sharpening its 7 inch long shaft! Yep, time to leave! QUICK!

We packed up and went inside to get a root beer float. Dallin wasn't sharing, so Ellie and I decided to head to the chocolate store. We never made it, because Ellie saw fit to throw up all over herself and the floor (and, phew, only my arms). Yep, time to leave!

So we went home. Sorry, NO pictures. Feel lucky!


  1. How scary to run into two guys playing with their knives. I would have been freaked out. Glad everyone is safe.

  2. It's no fun being next to something that could potentally do harm to you or your child. Glad you got out of there safe. That was ellie's way of keeping you on your diet? Smart girl, I would have lost my apetite as well. =o)

  3. These kind of stories are not the ones your family wants to hear. They only make us worry about you. I am glad that nothing happened.

  4. Jaw dropping story about the knives. Hello! Maybe Ellie should have thrown up then and the dudes with the knives would have left :) Glad nothing happened.

  5. wow! i had to read your stories to richie. that's way more exciting than anything that's happened around here!

  6. Yikes! First off having strange men sit close to me would have freaked me out but to show their knives and then go on sharpening them. I'm glad you got out of there!!
