tip toe threads

because most of it happens when the chillens are sleepin



Saturday, January 17, 2009

bras and aprons

This morning...

{Setting the scene} Me, going to the bathroom.

Dallin, approaching me with my bra (I really wish they would leave me alone when I went to the bathroom!)

Dallin: Mommy, put bra on. Dal need bra for tummy.

Later that morning...

{Scene change} Dallin, picking up my purse.

Dallin: Dal want gum

Me: I don't have any gum in my purse

{Scene change} Dallin walks into the kitchen, grabs an apron and tries to put it on.

Dallin: Dal make gum


  1. I'd love to have an uninterrupted bathroom break once in a while too! What's up with that? Do they ever grow out of it?

  2. Isn't it nice that we have assistants to get our bras for us in the morning? Mallory brings me mine quite often! :)

  3. Kristen - Thanks for saying hi!! It is so fun looking at poeple's blogs! How close are your kids? Mine are 15 months apart, it is hard, but definitely worth it! Hope all is well!

