tip toe threads

because most of it happens when the chillens are sleepin



Saturday, February 16, 2008


I know that I have been complaining about winter a lot lately. I have been so cold and bummed! We had a light snowfall the other day that actually lifted my spirits a bit. It was so light, look at the picture! Individual snowflakes were falling. This is when I really want a super nice camera; to get a picture that will do justice!


  1. What are you talking about you "want a super nice camera?" That picture is amazing, it's so hard to see snowflakes like that, let alone get it on film.

  2. I agree...thats a beautiful shot. Amazing how you caught how they actually look like snow flakes and not big blobs of snow. Awsome!

  3. I was thinking the same as the two girls above. That shot is totally amazing. I thought it was photoshopped!

    Thanks for the look into nature's beauty.

  4. this picture was taken on my car, it was covered w/ these tiny, intricut flakes.
