tip toe threads

because most of it happens when the chillens are sleepin



Sunday, September 20, 2009

it was gas

Once upon a time, there was a certain someone (who is not me, but will remain anonymous, unless she would like to out her or his own self). When she was younger, she was having (I mean she or he) really bad pain in her stomach. She was lying on the floor in our living room in the fetal position and her parents were about to take her to the ER department for fear that it was her appendix Then, she passed gas and felt much better. (Ironically, a couple years ago, her husband had that same pain and really got his appendix out on Christmas Eve and was in the hospital for five days..it was so sad!...and yes, I got permission to write this and she still loves me).

Fast forward, probably 15 years later and 1700 miles away, and this persons relative of the younger sister kind, was having horrible back pain. She got on google and searched for the ailment according to her symptoms: kidney stones! it read. This was not a horrible surprise, seeing as her sisters number one and two both get the nasty little things. Super, she thought, Paul and Dallin are on a camp out and I am here with kidney stones! Then, she passed gas and felt much better.

The End

Thanks for your concern!

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